Deck News

Fire Pit For Wood Deck

Never place your fire pit directly on a wood deck. The heat, flying sparks, and ash can seriously damage your deck and can also lead to a dangerous fire.

Propane fire pits (or natural gas) offer open flame without the risk of floating embers, hot ash, and irritating smoke. The heat doesn’t radiate downward like a wood fire, so it is also less of a risk to wooden decks too. They are available in hundreds of styles and looks from stone, timber, sculpted metal to glass.

There are specially made fire pit mats, which are made to withstand the extremely high temperatures a pit can reach. Or simply arrange pavers or bricks in the area where your fire pit will be placed. These will protect the deck from being damaged by high temperatures.

Concrete pavers or patio slabs are a good idea for setting your fire pit on. Concrete won’t catch fire, plus they are heavy and sturdy enough to provide stability. Make sure the fire pit isn’t wobbly – check the level and dig them in if necessary. Fire-resistant pit mats are a great solution out on grass.

Installing outdoor tile over a wood deck can help to protect you from splinters, while offering the deck protection from sun and wear and tear. Rubber deck tiles are one popular choice for installations over decks.